
a character with depression and functional neurological disorder (fnd)


Meet Henry

He has a depressive disorder & FND. He also loves pink flowers, art, the theatre, chocolate, going on adventures and talking about uncomfortable but important issues.

His health issues, although annoying and overwhelming, have taught him how to be compassionate, empathetic and kind.


Outta Space

Sometimes it seems like Henry is in on another planet he may look spaced out, distracted or not interested in a conversation. Sometimes pain, fatigue, disassociation, brain fog, suicidal ideation and anxiety can cause this “spaced out” feeling/look.


Under the Sea

Sometimes Henry feels like he is drowning, being pulled back and forth with his feelings, like waves or a rip. When life gets ‘too much’ even small things can cause his chest to tighten, breath to quicken and tummy to tie in a knot. Henry is trying to work on having a relaxing dive response, rather than drowning one when feelings get too overwhelming.

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The Encourager

Henry knows what it’s like to be discouraged, so he does what he can to encourage others.



Henry has special friends who understand and they take life slowly together.

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There are days Henry needs to prioritise self-care. His favourite way to self-soothe is by staying in his PJ’s, cuddling with a blanket and having a cup of tea (or 3).


Merry Christmas!

Who doesn’t love Christmas?



You know when you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck? Henry knows!

Riding the Waves

Henry has learnt to '‘ride the waves.’
This means acceptance. Waves go up and down, they come and go, just like life. Learning to acknowledge what’s going on in your life can have the power to give you the freedom to experience the difficult seasons with less distress. Also, learning to sit with uncomfortable emotions without giving them power over you has been a mindfulness strategy that Henry has been learning to master. It’s really hard and uncomfortable but the more he does it, the easier it gets.


Digital Sketches


Mixed Media